Ekendra Sen was enjoying his vacation in Rajasthan with Bapi and Pramatha, suddenly a Professor of Archaeology at Oxford University Shatadru Ghosh informs him about his suspicion that a particular idol he had seen in London went missing.
FOX宣布直接预订Karin Gist及Lee Daniels负责的剧《我们一族 Our Kind Of People》,这部剧灵感来自Lawrence Otis Graham所写《Our Kind of People Inside America’s Black Upper Class》,讲述在马萨葡萄园岛的橡树崖镇上,这里有个已经超过50年历史的黑人富人家族,而单亲母亲的女主Angela Vaughn为了使家庭名誉再次发挥光芒…