- 宇宙有翼骨兽格兰达出现在了宇宙空间里。Super GUTS和戴拿奥特曼都在战斗中落了下风。千钧一发之际,TPC极密制造的战舰普罗米修斯号出现,救下了戴拿。 几天后,在克利欧莫斯岛召开了普罗米修斯的说明会。Super GUTS前去参加,见到了开发负责人如月泪博士。普罗米修斯号是靠人类的思考数据来模拟人的行为进行战斗的,为了获取数据,她希望能…
- "Cops" meets "Star Wars" as a camera crew spends a day travelling around with Imperial Troopers on the beat. The first run in is called Stolen Droids and is about some Jawas who are suspected of possessing stolen goods. The second is a Domestic Dispute involving a couple who live on a desert farm.
- his movie is truly cult and its pretty funny.I think its one of the very few turkish sci-fi movies. If a movie is good then its nice to watch it. If a movie is bad then you should not watch it at all. But if a movie is too bad then it makes more fun than a good movie. This is one of those movies, called B-movies. Perha…