搜索 Yay

  • 电影
    A girl and a guy- it's love, it's real, it's romance. And, like all eternal romance it's.....
  • 逃离塔利班是一个发生在阿富汗的真实的故事。年轻貌美的印度女孩Sushmita不顾一切地爱上了英俊的阿富汗男孩,为了能和心爱的人在一起,她放弃了祖国和家庭,只身随着他来到了他的家乡。之前,两人为幸福的生活描绘了甜蜜的蓝图,但是不久,Sushmita就发现来到阿富汗是她这生最大的错误。 两人甜蜜的梦想被严峻的现实所击破。在塔利班的统治下,…
  • aka "По следу властелина"
  • 电影剧情
  • An innocent young man installs CCTV cameras for a living, and impulsively places one above the mirror of a beautiful dancer to watch her secretly. His gaze is chaste and he always shuts off the camera before he sees too much. But his employers have other ideas, as does a film director out to exploit the dancer for hims…
  • 这个故事发生在1942年冬季,地点是俄罗斯的一北西部地区。主人公拉扎廖夫(罗兰·贝科夫 Rolan Bykov 饰)曾是一名曾经主动缴械投降德军的俄罗斯人。他深感耻辱,渴望通过为同胞做出贡献来洗脱自己的过去。然而,他面临着同胞的不信任,因为他曾经投降敌军。拉扎廖夫请求加入游击队,希望能够通过行动证明自己的忠诚。尽管大家对他仍心存疑虑,…
  • Devaki [Suman Ranganathan] is forced into marriage to a 70 year old man. On the night of the marriage, she is raped by the brother of the impotent old man in order to establish the age-old practice of physical dominance of the male over the female. In protest to the feudal practices, Nandini [Perizaad Zorabian], the ur…
  • 电影犯罪
  • The film is based on the biography of the legendary Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova.