搜索 Yeon

  • MBC特辑《青春纪录片,再一次20岁》集结17年前热播剧《#男生女生向前走#》主演#朴庆琳#、#赵寅成#、#杨东根#、#张娜拉#等,17年前青涩的他们和17年后的他们相遇,共同回忆当年的故事~《青春纪录片,再一次20岁》特辑共两集,将在10月1日晚11点10分播出第一集,10月8日晚11点10分播出第二集
  • What kind of time have we gone through for the 5 years after the Sewol ferry disaster? The main characters clearly conjure up the day five years ago and take out the past years that have remained as scars since that day. Maybe we can face the trauma of the Sewol ferry and write a new story.
  • 电影
    A program titled ‘Today’s Science’ produced by Producer Seoyeon is on the verge of abolition. The program ends up being abolished as conflicts between staff members get worse. As Seoyeon begins writing this experience, her daily life mixe…
  • 电影剧情
  • A young boy, whose father, Blue Thunder, was murdered by the villainous "Black Mantis." After Black Mantis kills his father and steals the family fighting style, Blue Thunder's son takes on the name "Thunder Prince" and vows revenge.He comes upon a wise old man who teaches him how to fight, but disc…
  • 宗斗的女友珠英是一个能力极强的事业型女性,而宗斗为了不失去女友随意的选择了一个工作混日子。矛盾的产生是由女友的事业发展而渐渐扩大的,珠英所在的制药公司工作很卖力销售技巧更是让人瞩目很得上司的赏识,直到有一天珠英被派往宗斗工作的支店任组长,宗斗所受到了压力达到了极限。珠英上任后发挥了卓越的管理才能,为了激发全体员工的积极…
  • Choi Yeon, who is rumored to be a lesbian, doesn't care about the rumors. However, she feels special about Ha-gyeong's friendly manners. Choi Yeon gets confused when the rumors about her become true. (Source: Matchbox)
  • 曾被选为新春文艺,后来因卷入剽窃是非而写色情小说的我(文成根),有一天一个女人(郑善敬 )来到了我的身边,超短裙中毒症及拥有世界级臀部的她说她的梦想是成为小说里的人物,因此开始了和我的同居生活......
  • 电视剧
    本季故事发生在首季的78年后。首尔,2024年。尹采玉(韩韶禧 饰)遇见长相酷似张泰尚的张浩载(朴叙俊 饰),悬而未决的谜团揭晓,命运又会如何捉弄两人?