搜索 Yeon

  • 电影剧情
  • A man finds a child abandoned in an open market. He names her Dal-rae ad raises her. When she becomes old enough, the man proposes to her but the shock of having the man she considered her father wanting to marry her sends Dal-rae into a coma-like state.
  • SYNOPSISSeong-min and Dong-su are ex-convicts who are released after serving 20 years in prison. They find what work they can do but see it impossible to hold down jobs. So-young has waited 20 years for Seong-min and has been running an orphanage. After Seong-min returns to her, he learns that Du-sam, his partner in cr…
  • Hui-Yong is a childish father who has never played a role of father.One day, he realizes that he will die of cancer soon.He sets out to find his son with Seung-Cheol, a childhood friend, before he dies. The son is getting out of prison.He is reunited with his son for the first time in four years. But the son stares at …
  • 电影
  • Dalho is used to wake up at graveyards without his memory whenever he drinks. He knew that his girl friend's brother is a hypnotist, he went to hypnotist's birthday party with his girl friend for curing his act... Strange people came to the pension house for birthday party, the amazing hidden secrets are revealed.
  • A senior in highschool becomes determined to enter a certain university because of her infatuation with a self-centered baseball player who attends there
  • Trying to protect her colleague, a transgender woman accidentally commits murder. She professes her innocence in court, but the situation does not proceed to her advantage. A rarity in Korea, this film publicly advocates the human rights of transgender people.
  • 雍女是朝鲜最性感的女人,论性技与美貌,世上没有女人是她的对手,同时也没有一个男人能够满足她的热烈欲火。雍女的费洛蒙像是爆发的长白山,魅惑了身边所有男人的心智,让他们嗑了再多高丽人参也难逃精尽人亡的淫劫!太过性感的罪刑,就是遭到其他女人的攻讦,雍女被迫离开家乡,孤苦无依的她内心寂寞,直到遇上天赋异禀的奇男子卞岗。