搜索 Yeon

  • 珍(金希妍 饰)和彬(金松熙 饰)是情同手足的姐妹,两人之间感情十分要好。某日,父亲离家出走,几番思量,母亲决定丢下尚且年幼的珍和彬,外出寻找丈夫的踪迹,这让这两个尚且年幼的孩子早早体味到了人情冷暖,世态炎凉。临行前,母亲将珍和彬托付给了她们的阿姨(金美香 饰)照料,她向两人许下了承诺,当存钱罐里的硬币堆满之时,就是母女…
  • 숙녀초년생
  • 아빠안녕
  • SYNOPSISSi-wuk is preparing for the college entrance exam after failing it in his first try. When his neighbors, Yun-ho, Ji-hi and their family go on a vacation, their aunt Hye-bin watches the house. Si-wuk is drawn to Hye-bin. One day, Hye-bin seduces Si-wuk and they make love when Yun-ho witnesses their lovemaking. H…
  • 剧情简介:惠实早年和亨久交往过,但因为亨久的野心最终分手。惠实令择他人婚配,生下孩子,丈夫却不幸早逝。亨久充满内疚,认为惠实的不幸都是自己一手造成的。亨久离开世华,决心和惠实重新结合。亨久在得知自己身患癌症后,备受打击,随后人间蒸发。惠实知道真相后,找到世华,与之商议如何帮助亨久重拾信心。在世华的帮助下,亨久赴美国就诊…
  • 1992年邻近美军基地的南韩东豆川市,发生了性工作者遭美军士兵杀害的案件。以真实事件为蓝本,本片回到案发的街区进行拍摄,寂寥的商店街,闪烁的霓虹灯下,一名女子沿着街道缓慢而行,高跟鞋声引领我们前往命定的悲剧。透过VR的切身体验,观众得以连结被害者的身心处境,引发反思。暴力没有在眼前发生,残酷却在我们背过身的瞬间。
  • SYNOPSISChang-gil, vows to start a new life after he's released from prison. He meets Choon-ja, a prostitute, and is attracted to her. Bulldog, Chang-gil's former boss during his criminal days, urges Chang-gil to return to the organization but Chang-gil resists him. Bulldog plans to frame Chang-gil but Chang-gil, out o…
  • 讲述为了扶养全身麻痹的姐姐而用高利贷的“就业准备生”善英以急切的心情在山上看到公司最后的面试,当天在那里偶然遇见宋宪和俊基,在偶然看到对方的罪行后,进行追逐的生存游戏。   月塔山里聚集的人物有各自不同的故事。在高利贷中苦苦挣扎的善 英为了参加一家户外服装公司的最终面试而上山,和向留学的女儿寄来的钱很急的腐败刑警宋宪,在…
  • SYNOPSISMyung-ju is married to Chairman Pyo Jun-beom, the sixty something chairman of a trading company whom she met in Sorak Mountain. She is thrown into conflict when Chairman Pyo's only daughter, Seong-hi, starts going out with Hyuk-tae, an old flame of Myung-ju who has just finished his military duty. Byung-ho find…
  • Thestarsknow
    On October 29, 2022, the neon-lit streets of Itaewon were illuminated by the red glow of dozens of ambulances. Even before the victims' funerals were completed, a peculiar memorial altar appeared in front of Seoul City Hall, composed entirely of pure white chrysanthemums and a plaque that read, "Deceased in the It…