- based on a magazine essay written by noted best-selling novelist Jonathan Franzen for 'The New Yorker' and widely republished around the world, 'Emptying the Skies' chronicles the rampant poaching of migratory songbirds in southern Europe. Songbird populations have been drastically declining for several decades, and a …
- 《Lying Man》是由战旗TV打造的一档电竞真人秀娱乐节目,每期将会邀请多位电竞明星大咖作为嘉宾,让他们一起玩时下流行的互动语言游戏,也许他们在游戏上是翘楚,但是来到了《Lying Man》的世界中究竟谁是“渔夫”,谁是“鱼”?一起来节目中寻找答案吧!
- A fabulous documentary with the all star Latin Jazz pianists and musicians doing the narration. Ernesto Lecuona was enviably the finest Latin pianist coming out of Cuba. He traveled the world playing and the movie is like a tour guide of Cuba, Seville Spain, the Canary islands, Manhattan and more. Chucho Valdez, Gonzal…
- FNC entertainment第三支男子乐队——N.Flying,为了成为2015大势偶像团体, 必须精通俘获女生们芳心的方法!为了俘获芳心,四只萌物开始了每周秘密突击集训的一晚。各情景邀请特别导师(李弘基、康男、黄光熙等……)登场,展开妙趣横生的纪实。
- Each of the six subjects, Lily McAlevey, Michael Q. Schmidt, Carol Hannan Mulcahy, Michael Mallers (holding the young Gavin Muckey in his arms), and Lillian Centeno are filmed in slow motion, floating upward then descending down to the earth, where they bottom out in gravity's clutch. Yet each person is magically stati…