- Girl bands and pop music permeate Japanese life. This film gets to the heart of a cultural phenomenon driven by an obsession with young female sexuality and internet popularity.Meet Rio - a bona fide Tokyo idol who takes us on her journey toward fame. Now meet her 'brothers' - a group of adult male superfans who devote…
- 紙幣用のスカシ入り和紙10億8千万円相当が強奪された。ガラスのジョー、計算機の哲、ブル健の3悪人は、紙を盗んだ奴らにニセ金作りの名人を高く売り込もうとたくらむが……。原作は都筑道夫の『紙の罠』。これを中平康が演出するアクション喜劇。宍戸錠扮する、ガラスをこする音にはまったく弱い、ガラスのジョーというキャラクターが笑わせる。
- Seven friends, struggling with late 20s, early 30's life, find themselves in terrifying danger when a long-dead loved one is magically resurrected and starts devouring souls. To make matters worse, three of them have been granted the power of the Ninja, and now must lead the fight against a power they cannot hope to va…