搜索 Yok

  • 电影
    这部奇幻电影以一家神秘的百货商店为背景,在这家商店里,所有到访的顾客都是动物。主人公秋野是新来的门房。其中,"V.I.A."(Very Important Animals,非常重要的动物)顾客是一种已经灭绝的物种,他们都是独一无二的个体,都有一两个怪癖。无论是想要取悦多年妻子的猫头鹰、为父亲寻找礼物的海貂,还是正在考虑如何向女友求婚的日本…
  • 电影音乐
    电影《列侬和洋子:仅限于天空》讲述了约翰·列侬标志性的《Imagine》专辑背后不为人知的故事,同时也讲述了洋子和列侬的邂逅及东西方文化的交融。两颗艺术的头脑在爱情与音乐中碰撞,迸发出无与伦比的美妙火花,最终共同创作出这一辑传世之作。导演迈克尔·爱泼斯坦(Michael Epstein)收集了大量的列侬视频,音频和照片档案,包括许多以前从未…
  • 化け猫あんずちゃん
    Karin, 11 years old, is abandoned by her father at her grandfather's house, who is the monk of a small town in the Japanese countryside. Her grandfather asks Anzu, his jovial and helpful but rather capricious ghost cat, to look after her. When their strong characters meet it causes sparks to fly, at least to begin with…
  • 动漫经典
    日本著名漫画家安达充早期经典作品 《阳光普照》考上明条高中的霞,为了方便上学而寄宿在阿姨家。孰料阿姨还把其它空房间租给与同校的四个男生!原本对男友克彦一心一意的霞,不知不觉间对其中吊儿郎当的高勇作起了好感。 《阳光普照》 1980年—1981年,《阳光普照》全5卷。于1982年TV电视剧化;1987年TV动画化;1988年剧场版《阳光普照—梦中有你…
  • 综艺
    Two parallel stories of Japanese and American WWII enemies play out on the island where they fought 60 years prior. They meet face-to-face for the first time and their adventures take them into the jungle where remnants of their fighting still remain untouched.
  • 电影剧情
    自称“报纸男”的人悄然出现网络,他上传视频,宣称对一些行为不断的人或企业进行私刑处罚。起初网民们嗤之以鼻,谁知报纸男居然真的行动起来。报纸男的行径煽动了人们一颗颗被压抑已久的正义之心,他也得到了越来越多的粉丝。事实上,报纸男绝非一人,他是由“盖茨”奥田宏明(生田斗真 饰)、 “关西”葛西智彦(铃木亮平 饰)、“大雄”木村…
  • 电影家庭
    Yuki和Ai是一對交往已久卻仍在衣櫃裡的情侶,她們的相愛始於酒吧:Yuki安慰工作不如意的Ai ,以蛋糕的口味打開話題,發現兩人的口味截然不同。濃厚生澀的抹茶碰上香甜浪漫的香草,又會產生怎樣的火花?當Yuki被診斷出罹患癌症末期後,在日本民風保守的傳統社會中,兩人怎樣攜手對抗家庭、醫院和社會的壓力,長相廝守下去呢? 導演Hamish …
  • 电影
    Britt-Marie, a woman in her sixties, decides to leave her husband and start anew. Having been housewife for most of her life and and living in small backwater town of Borg, there isn’t many jobs available and soon she finds herself fending a youth football team.
  • 电影
    Miyu went to Seoul, Korea to study and look for her older sister who went missing two years ago. One day Miyu got to know Hana who was a famous plastic surgeon and she reminded of her missing sister. Hana lives with her lover Hyoshin, but she got attracted by Miyu. And Nyoshin felt jealous of Miyu. Miyu thought that Ha…