- 胡柏(温汉史丹定)为一成功之事业家,其商务繁重,乃经常工作至午夜。秘书爱蜜莉(爱琳珀西)常伴左右,加以协助,对上司颇有好感,便暗献殷勤。胡柏一时心窍,竟为爱蜜莉意乱情迷。适逢其妻卡露兰(希妲芭拉)经医师诊断发现有孕,喜极之余,自臥房下楼欲亲自告知丈夫喜讯,却远远窥见胡柏与爱蜜莉状甚亲暱,大受打击,伤心欲绝。卡露兰几经思…
- 纪录片介绍了PunkRock,Emo等风格的地下乐队,如何从地下室组织小型表演到最终签约唱片公司发行唱片的整个过程,纪录片采访了多支乐队的成员,最知名的包括Fall Out Boy,Jimmy Eat World等。同时也包含了大量的地下乐队的现场表演。DIY(Do-It-Yourself)方式的演出表演使乐队能有各自的忠实乐迷群,在还没有受到大唱片公司签约,并操控乐队行为之…
- This is a must see film for those who want something a bit different from the norm of American cinema. The story is excellent and very simple as is it something most people can relate to. The movie builds suspense when it is needed and kept me at the edge of my seat during some moments. The beautiful artwork and the mu…
- Died Young, Stayed Pretty is a candid look at the underground poster culture in North America. This unique documentary examines the creative spirit that drives these indie graphic artists. They pick through the dregs of America’s schizophrenic culture and piece them back together. What you end up with is a caricature o…
- The battle between loggers and environmentalists is defining, dividing and destroying communities in Canada and around the world. The Green Chain is a powerful, funny and thought-provoking film about the conflicts between people on both sides of the battle who love trees -- and are willing to risk anything to protect t…
- Chronicling the changing fortunes of Red Hook, Brooklyn, A Hole in a Fence is a documentary that explores the complicated issues of development, class and identity facing one of New York City’s most unique neighborhoods.It’s the story of a vanished homeless community and the young architect who documented it; of an urb…