搜索 Young

  • 电影喜剧
    讲述了一个数学天才Nathan(阿沙·巴特菲尔德饰演)因数学天赋而到中国参加一个奥林匹克竞赛,并与一位中国姑娘Zhang Mei(焦阳饰演)产生爱情的故事。男主角Nathan是一个有见解的大男孩,但也不必要的与其母亲(莎莉·霍金斯饰演)产生了矛盾。来到中国后,纠结于学业以及爱情之中,讲述了青年人的成长与蜕变。
  • 电影剧情
    这部8集剧改编自18世纪同名经典小说,剧本由Harriet Warner负责。故事讲述自恋的梅特伊侯爵夫人及瓦尔蒙子爵是前恋人亦是对手,他们皆擅长用诱惑来控制及利用别人。剧集会讲述这两个角色的早年起源故事。 这部小说是1988年改编电影《#危险关系# Dangerous Liaisons》的基础(电影是根据舞台剧改编),当时由Glenn Close及John …
  • 电影喜剧
  • 电影剧情
    伊莎贝尔(玛丽恩·瓦斯 Marine Vacth 饰)是一名17岁的妙龄女孩,拥有着靓丽容貌和美好肉体的她对“性”有着一番独特的见解。一次偶然中,伊莎贝尔遇见了一位游客,就这样,她寥寥草草地献出了自己的处女之身,之后,伊莎贝尔在探索“性”的道路上一路走远。在网络上出售自己的性感照片、利用肉体换取金钱,在做着这些勾当的同时,伊莎贝尔依旧…
  • A new BBC film written by Robin Chapman, based on a novel by A. N. Wilson.Derek Blore, MP, enjoys both a happy successful political career and a sideline in the suburbs. When his two political lives become confused, with an addedRussian complication, he finds a national scandal engulfing him.
  • Teenage Superstars charts a generation of musicians from Glasgow and Lanarkshire from 1982. Broadly speaking, it is chronologically structured, while also tracing the geographical and social connections between some of the bands (for example, the childhood friendship of Sean Dickson, Duglas T. Stewart and Norman Blake,…
  • A young actor in modern day Hungary gets sent back to feudal times for a week, and tries to make the best of being a serf, while a wry reporter comments on the action, finally becoming more involved in it than he could have ever wished.
  • 少數族裔與香港社會的融合、以及少數族裔被歧視的情況,一直是社會其中一項備受關注的議題。其實香港有不少少數族裔人士,他們的祖父輩早年已來港定居,在香港的發展歷史中擔當重要的角色。這些少數族裔社羣在這裏落地生根,融入香港這個大家庭,成為社會的一分子。「我家在香港III」,七集以少數族裔新生代為主線的戲劇節目,很多少數族裔孩子…
  • Teens in LA are being kidnapped and turned into an army of zombies by a demonic madman. With the Heart of Hell in his possession and his army of minions, it appears nothing can stand in his way. The mighty gods of Olympus think otherwise. In order to put a stop to his evil plans the gods of Olympus find their last Demi…