搜索 Young

  • Historian James Holland presents a fresh analysis of the World War Two battle for the tiny Mediterranean island of Malta.The Battle for Malta is one of the most vicious and violent episodes of the Second World War. The tiny Mediterranean island is smaller than the Isle of Wight, yet between 1940 and 1942 more bombs fel…
  • 电影
    影片《血样年华》取材于甘肃陇 东早期共产党员王孝锡同志在第一次 国共合作时期,蒋介石背叛革命、冯 玉祥倒戈,大革命失败之后的一段真 实而鲜为人知的故事。
  • Enroute to Borderville, looking for his father's killer, Bob (Bob Steele) stops a runaway horse carrying Mary (Claire Rochelle.) His pal Dan (Kit Guard), who has followed Bob against his orders not to, has a fight with one of Lambert's henchmen, Frank (Bob Walker) which Bob stops. In a Borderville tavern owned by Buck …
  • A group of 8 persons are brought together for one day, continuously watched by cameras and then released in the streets of Paris, where they question sexuality, religion, gender, feminist and gay issues, with bystanders.
  • Wang, who is the chairman of Myeonggwang Group, which has numerous affiliates, spends every day doing small things such as golf, hunting, and lust. Myeonggwang Group, a subsidiary of Myeonggwang Group, is busy with the task of raising union labor unions and establishing democratic unions, and sewing is elected as repre…
  • 本片以雄伟的喜马拉雅山为背景,讲述了六个藏族青年从珠穆朗玛峰北坡攀登珠峰的扣人心弦的冒险经历。很多藏族人都认为这几个孩子执着的过于疯狂着魔了,甚至于他们的父母也这样认为。然而,一位盲人教育家和冒险家Sabriye Tenberken,他开办了拉萨第一所盲人学校,在他的帮助下,这些孩子邀请到了盲人登山者埃里克·魏亨麦尔来他们的学校。在了…
  • 电影奇幻
  • The film is completely independent, made by young people of Dublin. They made a film that looked deep into the darkness in the human mind, the way the mind breaks and tries to remain whole. The film starts with the Writer being hounded by the Detective and after confronting the Con Artist the Writer goes to the Detecti…