- The true story of Dr. Takashi Nagai, scientific pioneer, war hero, Christian convert and survivor of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, who worked tirelessly in his efforts to heal the wounds of a country utterly devastated by war.
- Happy Together (2001.11.8-2005.4.28)Happy Together Friends (2005.5.5-2007.6.21)Happy Together Season 3 (2007.6.28~今)Happy together 3 是一个在桑拿室里以轻松心态请明星们来做客的谈话类节目。放松时间 每周四晚10点05分放送目录2007070906 南熙石 朴俊亨070913 李玟雨 安慧京 金钟民071122 强仁 神…