搜索 Yusry

  • 电影动作
    In the midst of time comes the clanging of steel against steel, a collision of myth and history.... "Vikingdom". based on Viking legends and the epic poems they left as record, "Vikingdom" is a fantasy, action adventure about a forgotten king, Eirick, who was tasked with the impossible odds to defea…
  • 电影冒险
  • Set after 7 years of the event of Cicakman 2: Planet Hitam. Cicakman, the former superhero of Metrofulus had disappeared with people claiming Cicakman is dead or has retired. In his absence, the new superhero known as SuperBro has emerged and become the former defender of Metrofulus.
  • 几个来自马来西亚各个阶层的陌生人,幸运地抽中了“每日大马”的幸运签,得以乘船前往某个风光旖旎、景色宜人的小岛享受免费假期。小岛地处偏远,名叫阿兹(Namron 饰)的男子和他的妻子罗海妮(Zarina Zainuddin 饰)共同开辟了一个度假村,并且四周皆用电网围了起来。表面上看,电网的作用是保证私密性,但是小岛似乎还隐藏着什么不为人知的秘…
  • 公元120年,全盛时期的罗马帝国正准备入侵亚洲,但远东霸主中国想要独自掌控这片土地,他们绝不会向罗马帝国屈服,让出一分一厘的土地。对权力的渴求只能通过饮血来纾解,获得飨足。中古时代陆地上两个最强大的国家之间的冲突一触即发,它们的碰撞将会创造出前所未有的伟大而神秘的传奇。   本片讲述了在这样的文化背景下,亚历山大大帝后裔、一位名…
  • Tell you what I love about taking short cuts in South East Asian countries. Unlike here in North America, if you take the back route you don't have to worry about breaking down and getting raped by inbred hillbillies. You do, however, have to be concerned with haunted Volkswagen Beetles and a bevy of hairy ghosts. You …
  • Hairi works at Klon Technologies searching new vaccines for new diseases. He's too shy to approach Tania, the girl he loves (Professor Klon's secretary) and awkward enough to swallow a "cicak"-lizard which fell in his cup of coffee. The lizard was contaminated by a new virus and Hairi will gains some characte…
  • Cicak Man is a 2006 Malaysian comedy-superhero film. It is the first Malaysian film of this genre, and features almost 40% CGI footage. The film was directed by KRU member Yusry and starred comedian Saiful Apek. The name "Cicak-Man" literally translates to "Gecko-Man".A sequel, Cicakman 2 – Planet H…
  • 动漫犯罪
  • 电视剧游戏