- The movie follows the adventures of four lovable young idiots as they embark on a journey into the underworld to save their sexy landlord's house from foreclosure. In their quest to raise $50 000 in three days, they find themselves caught in the midst of a holy war where survival is their only hope.
- Five women murdered over five years, and now the responsibility lies to a support officer (Elizabeth) to discover where their bodies are buried. However, her own past haunts her during the investigation through the disappearance of her failed abduction case years before of nine-year-old Sarah.
- 1929年10月29日,世界現代經濟史進入最黑暗的時期。人們趕不上市場崩壞的速度,價格也時時在變。1932年銀行倒閉,那時沒有社會安全制度,也沒有現在的各種保障,經濟不景氣的慘狀,宛如煉獄般空前絕後長達十年。30年代的文學和視覺藝術,都是以去了解蕭條時代的真相為創作基礎,並且特別著重在有25%的美國人失業的初期,藝術家如海明威也對此衝…