- 由小提琴手Karen Gomyo带着她的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴“Aurora”追寻目前各地散落的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴,这些小提琴究竟有何神奇的秘密能发出异常美丽的声音,以及在斯特拉迪瓦里逝世300年后新一代的小提琴工匠为了追赶斯特拉迪瓦里所付出的努力和集体协作。
- Pyare, Mohan and Raju (Arya Babbar, Rajpal Yadav and Aditya) locked them self in a local police station to save from people whom these three have cheated. Chaudhary (Om Puri) is the head of the mob waiting outside police station. There is an Inspector in charge Chaube (Manoj Joshi) who is waiting for his promotion and …
- 岩手县大槌町是东日本大地震的重灾区,全城遭海啸摧毁,1200余人死亡或失踪。 在俯瞰大海的山丘上的庭院里,矗立着一座奇怪的电话亭,名叫“风的电话”。电话亭中,有一台没有接线的黑色电话机,还有一本笔记簿。 盼望能和在震灾中死亡或下落不明的家人、朋友再次交谈的人们,来到这个电话亭,拿起听筒进行“通话”。笔记簿里,缀满了无…
- Throughout three decades, Bill Laswell has been a constant innovator, fusing seemingly disparate genres into a whole new sound. Touching upon everything from worldbeat, funk, rock, hip-hop and jazz, there are no limits to his experimental approach. No matter what the project, one thing remains a constant ?Laswell抯 pret…
- Adam, a lonely young actor living in New York, finding his relationship with his girlfriend Kayla deteriorating, trys to kill himself. However a chance confrontation on the street leads to an unlikely friendship with a homeless tramp, David, who's positive and enlightened views on the world begin to have an effect on A…
- 1976年、女子プロレス界に彗星の如く現れたビューティ・ペア。ジャッキー佐藤とマキ上田によるこのタッグチームは、「かけめぐる青春」でレコードデビューし、試合前にリング上で歌う斬新なスタイルで、女子中高生を中心に爆発的な人気を呼んだ。本作品は、映画「不良番長」シリーズで知られる内藤誠監督が、そんな人気絶頂時の彼女たちの姿を余…