搜索 Zala

  • 料理狂人第一季
    Chef Lynn Crawford travels around the world, in search of the best and freshest ingredients.
  • Every year, the elves come from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground…
  • 电影
    这是一部极为出色的关于人与自然的电影。1902年和1907年,沙俄军官阿尔谢尼耶夫两次率领勘探队到乌苏里地区探险,都巧遇赫哲族老猎手德尔苏·乌扎拉。德尔苏.乌扎拉为勘探队充当向导,并挽救了阿尔谢尼耶夫的生命,与之建立了深厚的情谊。德苏对大自然相当了解与尊重,藉由他的示范 与见解,让人们了解大自然的伟大与残酷,人是可以与大自然和平…
  • 1944年夏天,两名苏军战俘从纳粹的集中营越狱,他俩一位是立陶宛人,会德语,另一位是俄罗斯人。他俩在逃离过程中,慌不择路闯进了海边德军的度假海滩,这天正好是周日,他们发现自己身处度假的纳粹军官中,他俩费尽周折,用了整整一天才脱离险境...
  • Mumbai-based Saxena family consists of Professor Nirbhay, his wife, Preeti, their school-going daughter, Ritu; Nirbhay's college-going brother and sister, Vijay and Suman respectively. Vijay meets with fellow collegian, Honey, and after a few altercations both fall in love with each other. Vijay is introduced to Honey'…
  • Like Fejos' LONESOME, this film shows a creative imagination combined with an undeveloped story sense and a finite talent. The events in the simple plot are telegraphed, repeated, and told very slowly. Poor Marie, hanging out clothes on the line in the front yard at midnight, is offered candy by the fiance of the lady …
  • Four different stories about young kids' destinies in different time periods in Lithuania.
  • Zack和Sham之间的赛车生涯还没有结束。Zack以前是非法车手,现在成为了专业漂移车手。Sham在那次事故后不再玩漂移了,因为他的腿断了,走路都要依赖拐杖。新角色是一位女车手,名叫Aleeya。
  • The epic film, directed by Vulo Radev, tells the tragic story of Fanny Horn and Father Eredia. Amidst the back drop of the Spanish Civil War the British noblewoman and Jesuit Priest begin to fall in love; however, this runs contrary to Father Eredia's faith. He places his fanatic devotion for his faith above their imme…