- A beautiful and moving film with some sequences of song and dumb-show leaving the spectator spellbound...a mix of the German sense of poetry and doom and of something almost like Bergman's Seventh Seal. Fine black and white photography, proper attention paid to every detail. Minor parts are all remarkable and even Birg…
- 托比·辛普森人到中年,每天的生活被无理取闹的女友和控制欲极强的父亲支配着。他做着不喜欢的工作,收着不喜欢的生日礼物,过着不喜欢的生活,但为了让别人高兴,他只能强颜欢笑。直到他在生日那天遇到了芳香治疗师勒娜特·赫拉瓦切克。托比的钱包被偷,勒娜特声称自己看到小偷去参加音乐节了。托比无奈改变计划,随勒娜特一起去音乐节上寻找小…
- The author of the film decides to leave the country where she lives, in connection with the outbreak of the dramatic events, and return home to Armenia in search of a worthy example and solutions on how to live on. Paradjanov’s house becomes a place of inspiration and a point of no return to toxic reality. Through the …