- 影片是张杰于2023年8月在北京国家体育场-鸟巢举办的“未·LIVE-「曜·北斗」巡回演唱会”三场收官演唱会的舞台纪录电影。该轮巡演于2021年10月在苏州开启,2023年8月在北京收官,共计13座城市,23场演出,总动员人数超过90万人。
- Musician Alex Zhang Hungtai has been abroad for a long time and returns to Hawaii. He does not know what he is looking for himself. There is an unspoken past that resonates in his melancholy crying saxophone solos. He walks around a bit lost until he meets Akiko, an elderly woman who takes him under her wing. She drive…