- From the New York Times review:"In "Sankofa," a contemporary African-American woman travels back in time and experiences slavery. Haile Gerima's poetic and precisely detailed film takes its audience into its heroine's life and mind as her moral sense is challenged and changed. No viewer can avoid the dis…
- 她嘴唇的触感 令我难忘\r\n 来自五个不同国家的导演,5个饱含真情意犹未尽的短篇小故事。\r\n 高颜值 深情款款应有尽有。\r\n 1《假装》想要举办个人影展的女摄影师,为了灵感找上了前女友...\r\n “你才是我的缪斯!”\r\n 2《翻腾的飞鸟》 总是被对方欺负,却在不知不觉中再也移不开目光。\r\n “青春伤痛文学”\r\n …