搜索 Zwar

  • Two women, Zwartjes' regular acresses Moniek Toebosch and Trix Zwartjes, are sitting side by side on a bench; they are looking at a photo of a mountain landscape. The physical attraction between the two is clearly perceptible but nothing happens...
  • A black-and-white film, rich in contrast and edited in-camera, about a woman, a Japanese toy bird and their relation to the viewer. With Trix Zwartjes.6 min
  • "Christian Manders and Moniek Toebosch play an artist and his model. Safely hidden behind his camera, the photographer cannot get enough of his bewitching subject with the long eye-lashes…"
  • International prize-winning film from Zwartjes' series Home Sweet Home , with Moniek Toebosch and Christian Manders as two somber personages who are engaged in a claustrophobic game of attraction and repulsion. “I film about me,” Zwartjes said once in an interview, “Me and the world, me and its relationships… For all s…
  • The push-buttons of a radio, a glass with an effervescent tablet, an alarm clock, men and women in a room.
  • Frans Zwartjes现在已年逾八旬。他同时是导演,画家,音乐家和雕刻家。1960-1970年间,Zwartjes拍摄了一系列实验电影使他获得国际性声誉。最知名的是他1980年拍摄的 《Pentimento》。这部作品在荷兰被激进团体视为反女权主义并引发强烈的骚动。
  • 卑微
    这部8集喜剧叙述了闲话专栏作家亚历伯希尔(亚当茨韦尔)眼中的小报和名人新闻。Narrated by Geoffrey Rush, this eight-part comedy portrays tabloids and celebrity journalism through the eyes of the Sunday Sun's gossip columnist Alex Burchill (Adam Zwar).
  • 电影少女
    爱尔兰少女费丽莎(Elaine Cassidy 饰)的男友尊尼赴英国打工音信全无,父亲认为尊尼参加了英军而勃然大怒反对他们结婚,费丽莎无奈之下以怀孕之身赶赴英国寻人,一无所获之际遇到了乔(Bob Hoskins 饰)。乔因依恋母亲,虽年过半百仍未婚娶,他留有所有母亲主持烹饪节目的录像带每日观看。乔为费丽莎的寻人之旅提供了多次帮助,但暗中却偷走了…