搜索 becker

  • This thin French drama takes place on a barren prison island. Pierre (Omar Sharif) has been sentenced to a life of hard labor on an island which lacks even a proper prison building: the men live in tents year 'round. Despite the grim conditions and brutal guards, he manages to hold his temper in check. His wife (Florin…
  • Dr. Alexanderson finds an unconscious young man by the doorstep of his cabin. He will try to piece together the mans broken memory without knowing the dangers his family and friends will be exposed to in this psychological revenge thriller.
  • Russia 1943, the German army is still deep in Russian territrory. The former Berliner worker Kurt Hartung, now a private in the wehrmacht (German army) , just survived a Russian dive bomber attack. despite is comanding officer's order, to disarm a dud. As it turned out, almost a suicide mission. Shortly after this inci…
  • 《养蜂人家》/《海岸线》导演卢比·鲁涅兹新作。克鲁兹·蒙托亚(库诺·贝克 饰)是一名正沿着美国西海岸巡回演出的摇滚明星,同时也是一个诗人。当圣迭戈和西雅图的成群观众前来观看他的表演时,家里打来一通电话告知克鲁兹他的父亲西涅亚(卢宾·布雷兹 饰)被确诊为癌症晚期。西涅亚是一个深居简出的退休教师,在新墨西哥州的山村里过着平静…
  • 电影
    这部新纪录片对美国孟山都公司的名誉发起了另一轮剧烈冲击。美国孟山都公司是全球最大的化工公司之一,也是全球90%转基因作物的种子技术的提供者。这部名为“孟山都公司眼中的世界”的法国纪录片由独立导演Marie-Monique Robin执导,影片为观众展现出一家长期危害环境 、制造卫生健康丑闻的公司的可怕嘴脸。
  • Over sixty years after the end of the Second World War, forty years after the student revolts of 1968, thirty years after the “German Autumn” of 1977, twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and, in the midst of the social upheaval …
  • Three young couples venture out on an idylic weekend boat trip off the coast of New England. When a meteor crash creates a fierce storm, they are stranded on a remote island inhabited by only the lighthouse keeper and his wife. The meteor has unleashed vicious alien creatures who roam the island in search of prey. The …
  • 一个弥漫着梦幻氛围的校园同志故事――正在排演莎士比亚名著的同志少年提摩西(Tanner Cohen 饰),无意间得到了《仲夏夜之梦》里的魔花,竟然将同学都变成了同志,并且得到了学校橄榄球明星强纳森(Nathaniel David Becker 饰)的爱慕。然而这朵花也改变了许多现实情侣的命运,给提摩西的朋友和家人带来无尽的困扰。提摩西最终忍痛决定解开魔咒…
  • UNDERNEATH is a collaborative piece featuring four emerging directors, creating five distinctly different cinematic pieces all bound together by common themes of madness and ancient cruelty - think V/H/S meets CREEPSHOW with a supernatural flare.The four shorts are directed by Andre Becker (THE LATE MOVIE: PUSSYFOOT), …