- This thin French drama takes place on a barren prison island. Pierre (Omar Sharif) has been sentenced to a life of hard labor on an island which lacks even a proper prison building: the men live in tents year 'round. Despite the grim conditions and brutal guards, he manages to hold his temper in check. His wife (Florin…
- Russia 1943, the German army is still deep in Russian territrory. The former Berliner worker Kurt Hartung, now a private in the wehrmacht (German army) , just survived a Russian dive bomber attack. despite is comanding officer's order, to disarm a dud. As it turned out, almost a suicide mission. Shortly after this inci…
- 这部新纪录片对美国孟山都公司的名誉发起了另一轮剧烈冲击。美国孟山都公司是全球最大的化工公司之一,也是全球90%转基因作物的种子技术的提供者。这部名为“孟山都公司眼中的世界”的法国纪录片由独立导演Marie-Monique Robin执导,影片为观众展现出一家长期危害环境 、制造卫生健康丑闻的公司的可怕嘴脸。
- Three young couples venture out on an idylic weekend boat trip off the coast of New England. When a meteor crash creates a fierce storm, they are stranded on a remote island inhabited by only the lighthouse keeper and his wife. The meteor has unleashed vicious alien creatures who roam the island in search of prey. The …
- UNDERNEATH is a collaborative piece featuring four emerging directors, creating five distinctly different cinematic pieces all bound together by common themes of madness and ancient cruelty - think V/H/S meets CREEPSHOW with a supernatural flare.The four shorts are directed by Andre Becker (THE LATE MOVIE: PUSSYFOOT), …