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  • Annie Garriet is a young woman who moves with her irresponsible husband Ross and their seven-year-old daughter Taylor from Colorado to a ranch in northern California where Ross abandons them after he fails to land a job. With no money and no friends, and Taylor and Annie's prized racehorse, Tolo, to look after, Annie l…
  • This story, based on fact, is about the movement of Danish Jews out of Denmark to neutral Sweden in the 1940's. It focuses on a single family and tells of their involvement with the underground and of their own, initially reluctant, participation in sabotaging a munitions plant, and of the daughter's affection for one …
  • 电影剧情
    约翰(史蒂夫·布西密 Steve Buscemi 饰)是一名坏运气的赌徒,在牌桌上屡战屡败之后,约翰终于读懂了失败带给他的箴言,那就是让他放弃赌博,找一份工作,踏踏实实的去做一个普通人。就这样,约翰在一家汽车保险公司里得到了一份毫无前途的工作,在应付日常的各种琐事的同时,约翰还要抵抗内心的魔鬼。某日,约翰被上司派遣协助一位名叫维吉尔…
  • The first installment in an exciting new horror franchise. A young writer believes she has discovered the holly grail of terror, the knives used by Jack the Ripper for his notorious murders. Attending an intensive workshop in a haunted Victorian warehouse, run by the mysterious screen-writing guru Richard Wise she and …
  • A mysterious sea creature washes up on the shores of an isolated fishing village. The village's destructive ways pushes their spirit world to a breaking point, and it's up to two outcasts to steer them away from a path of self destruction.
  • 电影恐怖
  • 蚂蚁男孩佩尔比以往任何时候都受人关注,他打败了仇敌“跳蚤”,现在跳蚤被关进了一家研究所的监狱里。佩尔转眼13岁了,他也已经习惯了超级英雄的身份。在理想状态中,佩尔的搭档艾达会是他的女友,但现实的情况是复杂的,艾达现在有一个意想不到的对手那就是学校里一个小男孩,这个小男孩独来独往,他不仅不断阻止艾达接近佩尔,而且还是一位比…
  • 电影喜剧
    原本是农民二子(周德华 饰)游手好闲,为发财拖家带口来到了城市。在菜市场的贩葱的收入微薄,而二子坑蒙拐骗却屡遭碰壁。在走投无路之时,意外得到巨额拆迁款开启了他新的发财梦,让他变成了房地产建筑小工头,不料却让他卷入了新的是非之中。在金钱、女人与信念、原则的纠缠中,二子渐渐领悟了生活的真谛………