- 根据真实故事改编的‘布里斯托尔的男孩们’,是一部大胆的动作电影,它讲述康涅狄格州布里斯托尔工业荒地上的一个毒品团伙的故事。它是美国毒品管制所近年来破获的最大毒品集团。为了让自己和吸毒的妈妈生活过得好,外号‘小人’的孩子麦卡锡(Thomas Guiry) 坚决要加入贩卖大麻的行列,他生意乾得挺成功,而警察也对他家进行搜查,当麦卡锡发现…
- British pop duo Pet Shop Boys recorded live at various venus on their 1999/2000 world tour. Concert footage is presented simultaneously over layers of backdrop projections and computer-generated graphics, giving more than just the usual live recording. Featuring 22 Pet Shop Boys hits, including 'West End girls', 'It's …
- A collection of 6 gay-oriented short-films. Two main themes are explored here: The homo-eroticism of "Twilight of the Gods", "SPF 2000" & "Dirty Baby Does Fire Island" (the latter follows a plastic-doll as she explores sex & drugs on the beach) --to the campy and outrageous humour of "…
- Cowboys系列6个短片,每个短片3分钟:Slim Pickin's,That's Nothin',Murder!,High Noon,The Conformist,Outrage。用黑红墨水作画,重口味。对政客选举、宗教禁欲、媒体舆论、仇恨暴力、削除个性、看客心理、传统思维等的讽刺。