- Pong acted as Pummared like the title of this lakorn. The story was about Pummared whom seeking revenge of his family enemy daugthers his dad's old business partner. Pummared's father had a partner in hotel business but they broke off with bad dispute and due to Pummared's father bad management his business collapsed s…
- Burapa『Tik飾演』和Tawan是兄弟,是知名警察的兒子,他們的感情非常融洽。Burapa是拳擊手, Tawan想要追隨父親腳步成為一位警察。某天,他們淋浴後在嘻笑間,忽然聽見了槍聲,前往一探究竟。他們目擊謀殺現場並看見了凶手, Tawan 在猶豫是否該做正確的事,但Burapa 知道如果Tawan 出面把凶手抓起來,凶手一定不會放過他們家人,所以乞求Tawan不要…
- 业余考古学家泰德最大的梦想就是希望能够得到大家的认可和尊重,但是却一再错失良机。当他的朋友木乃伊,杰夫和贝尔佐尼的生命受到诅咒威胁时,泰德不惜破坏了奥尔梅克金字塔只为拯救朋友。然而他这一行为受到了考古界的严厉谴责。在他唯一的好友萨拉的帮助与支持下,泰德再一次踏上了一段充满危险的冒险旅程。这一次,他将穿过墨西哥、芝加哥、…
- In 1974, the Portuguese and their descendants fled Angola where nationalist groups gradually claimed their territory back. A tribal girl discovers love and death when her path crosses that of a Portuguese soldier. Then, a Portuguese squad is barracked inside a wall from which they will have to escape once the past come…