搜索 edwige

  • 嬉皮士艺术家阿奇(威利·科伦比尼 饰)要求他的女友(艾德薇姬·芬妮齐 饰),在嬉皮士聚会上当裸体模特。在另一个嬉皮士女孩(马切拉·米凯兰杰利饰)盯上了阿奇之后,这一切变得复杂。
  • 陆军医生伊娃马里尼希望加入一个团,以确保妇女的平等权利。因此,她的指挥官将她送到由Renzo Montagnani领导的训练营,在那里只有最不守规矩的士兵才能待得下去......Army Doctor Eva Marini wants to join a regiment to secure equal rights for women. So her commanding officer sends her…
  • 富豪沙瓦托雷駕車於高速公路行駛期間,睹妻凱塔莉娜之照片而想入非非,發生車禍身亡。由於沙瓦未留遺囑,根據法律規定,妻子僅能繼承5/12,為此親家雙方發生爭執。女方律師提出該法條行使於未有子嗣之狀況下,一旦凱塔生產,即可與擁有繼承人身份之子女獲得數億財產。然沙瓦托雷素有性功能障礙,其兄弟托諾佐與尼柯李諾原以為可高枕無憂,卻得知…
  • 故事发生在一家军队医院中,在部队里服役的士兵们每当身体上有什么不舒服的地方,就会去这里看病,同时,这家医院还拥有资质,来判断这些士兵们是否适合继续服役。但是,军队的上级们很快就发现,许多士兵为了能够获得休假,甚至为了逃避服役而装病。为了杜绝这一现象的发生,官方派出了一位名叫伊莲娜(艾德薇姬·芬妮齐 Edwige Fenech 饰…
  • 电影
    Marcella (Fenech) inherits a taxi business from her father and now sets out on the job of her life. With each new fare she becomes involved with sex and crime all done up 70's Italian comedy style
  • Army doctor Eva Marini desires to join a regiment to secure equal appropriate rights for ladies. So her commanding officer (Mario Carotenuto) sends her off to a boot camp led by Renzo Montagnani, where just the numerous unruly troops end up (something similar to “The Hill”, except here all the offenders are gender obse…
  • At work, Mario Millio is the only male nurse not on strike. At home, his wife is more interested in calling the hot-line of a local TV-doctor. When Mario wins 15 million Lire in the lottery, he buys himself a new car and starts to live out his dreams in secret. All goes well until a criminal steals the car and Mario is…