- In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time travel makes Nova young again and she crash lands into 2025 as a twelve-year old. Nobody seems to take her and her mission se…
- 由《实习医生格蕾》“Owen” Kevin McKidd和《神探夏洛克》“Sally”主演。这部由四集组成的剧集,灵感来自横山秀夫的畅销小说《昭和六十四年绑架案》;剧集主要以格拉斯哥为背景,讲述两人饰演的“Chris/Michelle O’ Neill夫妇”在青少年女儿失踪后,所发生的关于的绑架、腐败、背叛和寻找真相的故事。Chris是一名警探,他得知了一起关于…
- 奈莉总是感觉体内有股奇怪力量,让她在学校格格不入,父亲只好暑假时把奈莉送到舅舅家,奈莉却发现舅舅的庄园里监禁着各种怪兽吸血鬼狼人,从神秘笔记本奈莉发现自己是魔兽猎人家族,但母亲因为猎捕魔兽失踪,舅舅不让奈莉成为魔兽猎人,奈莉只好暗中猎捕魔兽。