搜索 hao

  • 电影
    游侠凌云长与科隆达本同为少林门弟子, 感情不错. 可惜科隆达为满族亲王子弟, 后成为镇南大将军, 而凌云长则以反清复明大业为重, 两者背道而驰. 虽然科隆达力邀凌云长归清效命, 但凌云长拒绝, 更与之誓不两立. 自此科隆达对凌云长和其反清之士加以迫害......
  • 电影
    为了推行瓦窑堡会议精神,毛泽东决定派刘少奇到天津主持北方局的工作。 刘少奇化名胡服与另一个同志乔装商人来到渭水边。过渭水必须经过由当地民团头子霍虎把守的关卡,霍虎十分刁蛮油滑。 在当地地下党员程万虎的帮助和原国民党高级将领白宗尧的协助下,少奇同志终于顺利渡过渭水。
  • After an opening sequence in which we watch Magic Lizard roller-skating around the city to the accompaniment of 80s dance music, recycled footage from the earlier Giant and Jumbo A shows us some space aliens landing in a pink flying saucer. One of the aliens steals into a cave beneath a temple where the hapless but lov…
  • After being offered a huge sum of money, four Thai guys go to Africa to investigate a region where a series of mysterious murders have been occurring. Complications arise when their travel bus has some mechanical problems, leaving them with no other choice than to go all the way on foot. On the way to their destination…