- Set in a hyper-reality post apocalypse, Death Force tells the journey of Tracey Liddell, former agent of The Majestic Twelve and her struggle to retrieve and transport PROJECT: DARKFOREST. The Red King has dispatched his most lethal agents, The Hydra, The Cerberus and The Hanged Man, to retrieve his property from Trace…
- "Daydreaming" (featuring Shara Nelson) (Badarou/Del Naja/Marshall/Thaws/Vowles)Directed by Baillie Walsh"Unfinished Sympathy" (featuring Shara Nelson) (Del Naja/Marshall/Nelson/ Sharp/Vowles)Directed by Baillie Walsh"Safe From Harm" (featuring Shara Nelson) (Cobham/Del Naja/Marshall/Nelson…
- In this steamy erotic thriller, Nicole is a woman whose significant other Brad wants her to stay home and take care of the house. But Nicole soon grows bored with this routine, and begins taking assignments as a nude model for men's magazines. Nicole is soon lured into a number of sexual liaisons with models and photog…
- Sophie Fyne, an environmentally friendly fashion designer and advocate for women around the world is about to launch her highly anticipated line of clothing and open her first flagship store when one of her employees is found murdered. As a series of frightening events unfold, Sophie realizes she must act quickly if sh…