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  • 电影惊悚
    泰莎·汤普森将主演击剑题材新片[巴莱斯特拉](Balestra,暂译)。本片由Nicole Dorsey([黑色元素])执导,卡司还有马尔万·肯扎里。故事讲述一位处于职业生涯末期的竞技型击剑运动员(汤普森饰)让自己通过清醒的梦境进行实验性训练。在那里,她开始了与教练(肯扎里饰)的一段动荡恋情,但这却威胁到了她在现实世界的婚姻和她的奥运金牌之路。
  • 道格玩世不恭,玩过的女人数也数不清,在他奶奶葬礼后的一天,漂亮的律师安娜告诉他,他奶奶有100万遗产给他继承,但必须找出跟他发生过关系的12个女人,请求他们的原谅,道格和安娜遍寻这些女人,但得到他们的原谅可不是件简单的事,道格为此受尽折磨究竟100万会不会到手呢……
  • John Oak uses his web show ACTUAL FACTUAL TRUTHS to reveal the terrifying secret of SPUNK, a new drug that is tearing America apart with its powerful violence-inducing power. He gives the audience six twisted tales of the scourge that now runs rampant in our streets, turning people violent lunatics and making them lose…
  • A medical student (Steve Sandvoss) is working on a research project and discovers that he is able to reanimate recently-deceased mice. He takes a break from his work to go on a trip with three friends. He admits to his friend Sophia (Nicole Vicius) that he loves her - but shortly after this she falls into a nearby lake…
  • Bizzare, often perverse yarn about nurses in a metropolitan hospital who seduce then murder male patients.
  • When her father unexpectedly falls terminally ill, exotic dancer Jessica "Jesse" Brown returns home for the first time in more than a decade. Her father's dying wish - that she take over as head of Mount Olive Baptist Church - turns her life and her family's life upside down. Jesse accepts her father's commis…
  • An unusual road movie from South-African filmmaker Jenna Bass about friendship, female self-determination and the social power structures of a divided nation.柏林电影节全景单元
  • 一夜醒来,失去了四肢和曾经发誓爱你一生的男朋友,你还想要继续活下去吗?无法再回到从前的你多次试着结束自己的生命,但是次次被救了回来。这是命运的玩笑,当你从一出生就患有脆骨症。全家人都是健康强壮的体魄只有你从小就坐在轮椅上看别人奔跑。多少次你羡慕地红着眼坐在父亲的肩膀上一上一下的,直到你意识到这一生你都无法正常直立行走。…
  • When two young filmmakers suspect their neighbours are involved with the abduction of a teenage girl, they begin to run surveillance on them, and that's when things start to go wrong.