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  • 动漫动漫
  • Hold Me Close
  • 电视剧
    年少失母的窦昭(孟子义 饰)因为家庭变故和坎坷波折的命运对人间情爱与亲情失望透顶,她斗继母、保家产,避居冷僻田庄,求学晓事以图自保自强。大雨之夜,窦昭与扮作商贾投宿的宋墨(李昀锐 饰)在田庄相逢,用自己的智慧帮其保下平寇有功的定国公一脉遗孤,二人命运也因此紧紧缠绕。出身官宦之家的宋墨深陷家变谜团,而窦昭也在继母的破坏下遭…
  • 电影
    TRANSMITZVAH is a love story between siblings. They exhibit their wounds, exchange the pieces of each other’s puzzle, and complete (or start) the process of reaffirming their own identity. Rubén –the Singmans’ youngest son– challenges trad…
  • Lost Treasures of the Bible
    Archaeological teams excavate biblical cities across the Middle East, uncovering lost civilizations like Exodus' city in Egypt and the Tower of Babel in Iraq, shedding new light on famous stories through stunning CGI and embedded cameras.
  • 76日
    Steven Callahan gives a gripping first-hand account of his NYT bestselling novel "Adrift: 76 Days Lost At Sea." On the eve of February 4, 1982, in the middle of the night there was a loud boom as a whale collided with Steven's boat. Within minutes, his small craft was flooded with a rush of water. He grabbed …
  • 电影
    红衣主教劳伦斯(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)要负责世界上最秘密、最古老的活动:选择新的教皇。而他发现自己处在一起阴谋的正中心,可能撼动教会最深的根基。
  • 电影生活
    安德烈斯是一名在马德里工作的音乐老师,他不得不搬到巴斯克镇,在一所高中担任代课老师。他已经 40 多岁了,但一直没有克服舞台恐惧,他觉得新生活正在使他远离成为音乐家的梦想。当他到达那里时,在上学的第一天,他因为耳鸣而晕倒了:这是癌症。为了接受治疗,他必须乘坐“生命巴士”前往毕尔巴鄂的医院,这是一辆免费运送该地区所有患者的旧…
  • All the Futures
    Terrestrial life reached a very far away planet after a long odyssey through space, via microorganisms in meteorites. Night is eternal. Humans carry with them their dream of reproducing their past life, but their luggage also includes ancestral fears and absurd rules. The sky is falling in.
  • 电影科幻