- 当中年汤姆发现自己得了脑瘤并已经进入晚期时,感到晴天霹雳,痛苦万分。在冷静下来之后,汤姆觉得,最令他放不下的,是他深爱的妻子和女儿。经过痛苦的思考,他决定瞒着家人,赶在一切太晚之前帮助他的妻子和女儿寻找一个可以代替他照顾家庭的男人。他的妻子瓦伦蒂尼一直被蒙在鼓里,并不知道这件事。汤姆为妻子在相亲网站上开设了一个账号,想…
- In November 2014 Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter) will be in the midst of Convention season heading to Tulsa to attend one of the world’s largest film and TV cult festivals Wizard World and on this side of the Atlantic attending Com…
- 2014 加拿大Hot Docs 國際紀錄片影展 觀眾票選獎 Top 3 Audience Favourite, Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival2014 洛杉磯電影節 觀眾票選獎 Audience Award Winner, Los Angeles Film Festival印裔美國工程師佩多與女友分手後,自認是悲慘的大齡剩男,他決意接受超級媒人─他母親,以及人生導師─他父…
- Meet OUR Bboys is a story of a professional bboy called Karl Olivier 'Dyzee' Alba and his quest to make a scoring system for break-dancing. In the movie top notch break-dancers from Korea, USA, Thailand and Finland explain the difficulties of bboys and how the point system might change the face of break-dancing as we k…