搜索 olive

  • 电影
    The "Bloods" are the most intimidating and violent gang in the city. A lawless city... where gangs rule the streets... The vicious and blood thirsty murderer Slater is their leader. The city is his domain... he rules! There are those who are not members of gangs such as Mikey and his friends. Mikey lives on t…
  • 电影剧情
    阿尔方斯妮(葛丽泰·嘉宝 Greta Garbo 饰)本是一位出生在偏僻小村庄里的穷苦姑娘,被贪婪的父亲卖给了商人,之后一路辗转颠沛流离来到了繁华的大都市巴黎。凭借着迷人的美貌和过人的智慧,阿尔方斯妮一举成为了巴黎上流社交圈内的交际花,整日生活在荼蘼的灯红酒绿之中,人们送给了她“茶花女”的美誉。纸醉金迷的生活迅速的消耗了阿尔方斯妮…
  • Sexton Blake and Tinker foil criminal plot connected with the Tongs, and master-minded by "famous stamp collector" and millionaire……
  • 电影
    The story offorty-something, out-of-work washing machine repairman Rudy. He decides to takeback control of his life after a bad patch, but he notices with bitterness thatthose he abandoned along the way are not ready to welcome him with open arms.While the demons from the past come knocking at his door, a chance encoun…
  • BBC Four celebrates Kenny Everett in new single drama The Best Possible Taste
  • It is the beginning of 1945 during WW2 in former Austria. 500 Russian prisoners of war who have refused to fight on the side of the Germans against their country were moved to the concentration camp in Mauthausen awaiting execution. They decide to break out. One winter night the Russian prisoners make an escape. During…
  • 故事發生於《七龍珠》後五年的世界,講述孫悟空和同伴保衛地球的故事。悟空的哥哥拉帝茲來到地球,透露了悟空原是戰鬥民族貝吉塔星的賽亞人的身份。悟空和比克大魔王聯手對抗,然而因為雙方戰鬥力的差距而陷入苦戰。孫悟空的兒子孫悟飯在關鍵時刻爆發出比悟空更強大的戰鬥力重創拉帝茲。悟空最終決定以同歸與盡的方式,在拉帝茲露出破綻的一瞬間…
  • Playlist:MexicoIf You Can`t Give Me LoveWake Up Little Suzi48 chrashHeart Break HotelCan The CanHonkey Tonk DownstairsMake Me SmileThe Wilde OneHalf As Much As MeTo BigTear Me ApartDevil Gate Drive