- “リトル”なトーキョーライブが「リトルトーキョーライフ」に生まれ変わって水曜深夜に放送中!Hey! Say! JUMPとジャニーズWESTが週替わりで、みなさまからの疑問を検証いたします!「○○○な食材で絶品料理は作れるの?」「トーキョーでいちばんやさしい街はどこ?」「美人のたくさんいる会社ってどこ?」・・・などなどさまざまな疑問をリト…
- 55 year old Bernd is looking forward to a quiet weekend at the lake with his best friend Klaus, 56 and his brother Peter, 53. But when Peter decides to bring along Casanova Murat, 37 hopes for a harmonic get together wane thanks to Bernd's dislike for him. He calms down a bit when Klaus opens up about his plan to extra…
- One Cold Winter's Night was recorded on February 11th, 2006 at the historic Rockefeller Musichall in Oslo, Norway. Kamelot enlisted renowned film and video director Patric Ullaeus to chronicle the night's events. Arriving with him from Gothenberg, Sweden, Patric had a large crew of professionals and equipment including…
- In May, BBC Two Scotland will show Quintinshill: Britain’s Deadliest Rail Disaster, produced by Finestripe, to mark 100 years since the horrific accident near Gretna which killed more than 200 people.Neil Oliver presents and narrates the s…