搜索 olive

  • A woman is widow when her husband dies in an accident. Starting from that moment in her house begin to happen strange phenomenons, sounds and appearances. Doctor Oliver, an expert in parapsychology, begins to investigate.
  • Samuel meets Philippe, one highly admired colleague of his best friend Andreas. As the two get close, Andreas finds himself irritated and put in the uncomfortable position to watch his best mate helplessly fall in love.
  • “リトル”なトーキョーライブが「リトルトーキョーライフ」に生まれ変わって水曜深夜に放送中!Hey! Say! JUMPとジャニーズWESTが週替わりで、みなさまからの疑問を検証いたします!「○○○な食材で絶品料理は作れるの?」「トーキョーでいちばんやさしい街はどこ?」「美人のたくさんいる会社ってどこ?」・・・などなどさまざまな疑問をリト…
  • 55 year old Bernd is looking forward to a quiet weekend at the lake with his best friend Klaus, 56 and his brother Peter, 53. But when Peter decides to bring along Casanova Murat, 37 hopes for a harmonic get together wane thanks to Bernd's dislike for him. He calms down a bit when Klaus opens up about his plan to extra…
  • One Cold Winter's Night was recorded on February 11th, 2006 at the historic Rockefeller Musichall in Oslo, Norway. Kamelot enlisted renowned film and video director Patric Ullaeus to chronicle the night's events. Arriving with him from Gothenberg, Sweden, Patric had a large crew of professionals and equipment including…
  • 电视剧
    讲述一名年轻有才华的警官,意外地失去他的哥哥和爱人的故事。故事的动向也说明了他以某些方式来结束和解决这些事情。由于他的性格冲动,急躁和鲁莽,所以他有个年轻的朋友警告他,并指导他用意识和冥想来控制自己的情绪。他决定加入一个秘密组织,消除那些帮派、 毒品贸易。在同一时间里,也讲述另外两个年轻人所涉及的故事。看似更可怕的事件…
  • 六个年轻人为了电影噱头,于是出发作死去寻找神秘坟墓。然后他们遇到...恐怖的...香蕉!一场全球浩劫就此开始...
  • In May, BBC Two Scotland will show Quintinshill: Britain’s Deadliest Rail Disaster, produced by Finestripe, to mark 100 years since the horrific accident near Gretna which killed more than 200 people.Neil Oliver presents and narrates the s…
  • 这部电影是关于嘉年华表演导演Joaosinho Trinta(Matheus Nachtergaele扮演)的传记片。电影讲述这位艺术家的人生经历。1960年代,他从马拉尼昂搬到里约热内卢,希望成为市剧院的一名舞蹈演员。直到1974年,他成为一所里约热内卢传统桑巴学校的嘉年华表演导演。