- Accusée d’avoir tagué « MACRON DÉMISSION » sur le mur de son lycée, Chiara n’est pas sortie vivante de sa garde à vue. Bouleversés, ses camarades de classe décident alors de prendre la parole...
- Rainer Kohlberger is prepared to go far when it comes to the physical experiences he evokes with his work. Answering the Sun demands the utmost from its audience. The invitation is to squint our eyes and allow the most amazing trips to unfold – just like when we were children letting the sun come in. However, the work …
- 60年代的香港,风云变幻。一面要忍受港英政府的压制,一面又受到内地运动的波及,更要面对不时登陆的台风暴雨。老字号的永利街就处在这样一个风暴的旋涡中心。鞋匠罗一家四口,在街尾以做鞋为生。罗先生(任达华饰)做得一手好鞋,在那个混乱的年代仅能养家糊口;罗太太(吴君如饰)为人辛辣直率,人称“侠盗罗嫂”。大儿子罗进一(李治廷饰)1…
- Olivier award-winning actor, Conleth Hill plays local police officer Sergeant PJ Collins, a gentleman who hides from people and fills his days with comfort food and half-hearted police work. He is one of life’s outsiders, lovable, but lonely and a bit rubbish at his job. When the body of long-lost local legend Tommy Bu…
- One of 12 Westerns made in 12 months during 2020, this film tells the true story of Pearl Hart, played by Lorraine Etchell, a woman who goes through a series of bad relationships with men, eventually turning to a life of crime with a European drifter named Joe Boot (Travis Mills). Together they decide to rob a stagecoa…
- 幼时曾深陷绝望深渊的直枝理树,与4位少年少女相遇了。在那之后数年,理树作为Little Busters的一员,喧闹地过着快乐的每一天。这样的时间能够一直持续就好了。理树所期望的只有这样。某日,恭介突然表示要成立一支棒球队伍,理树则开始了寻找成员的任务。在这样的过程中,理树邂逅了新的成员们。和大家一起参加试胆大会,潜入女生宿舍时被换上…