- Wealthy John Preston arrives in small town Deanbridge. He invests in local businesses and gets involved in community affairs. Eventually, he meets a local belle, Sally, and wins her from her current boyfriend. She agrees to marry him. Then, he begins to have strange dreams about Sylvia, a beautiful woman from his past,…
- Fabulous High is a new, independently produced, LGBT series that focuses on the lives of several high school characters, facing the realities of teenagers today. Fabulous High incorporates LGBT themes, stories, and characters; however, the series also focuses on hot societal issues and topics. The fast paced and quick …
- 美妙旋律第三季故事是发生在第一季的七年以后、第二季的四年以后,美爱等人已经从pretty top毕业并且学有所成。本作将有别于前作,以平行世界的东京、原宿作为舞台,原本只以"流行"及"舞蹈"为比赛中心的内容,更增添了一项新的"音乐"要素,描述一群能感知音乐的颜色、热度和味道的主角们,站上星光舞台达成梦想的…