- American Scumbags is the new full length feature by Denver filmmaker Dakota Bailey. The film features three interconnected stories revolving around heroin addicted drug dealer/hitman Johnny (Dakota Bailey), sadistic psychopath convict Billy (Darrien Fawkes) and drug kingpin Chester (Fred Epstein). The film takes the vi…
- Your favorite delivery boy, cyclops, and robot are back in this live action adaptation of Futurama. It follows Fry, Leela, and Bender a s one of the crew finds that they are soon to die, so they must save them before time runs out. https://www.bilibili.com/video/av10056219
- Charles Redon immerses himself in his wife's environment, the ballet dancing, and starts documenting it. Slowly, he begins to understand that he can build a drama with his own life.
- 19点30分(北京时间)RED VELVET与EXO小分队CBX共同出演NC SOFT《N-POP SHOWCASE》。CBX展现了the one,cherish,hey mama以及新歌crush u的精彩舞台。并表示和ncsoft合作尝试不同风格的音乐很让人兴奋。寒冷的天气中仍带来火热的气氛。