搜索 rory

  • 本片根据真实故事改编而成。主人公是一对兄弟,1972年他们驾车横穿国土,就是为了去看他们心目中的英雄——被誉为棒球大联盟史上最伟大的拉美裔球员罗伯托·克莱蒙特(Roberto Clemente)比赛,后者最终打出了其职业生涯的第3000支安打。
  • 电影生活
    泰瑞(Nina Axelrod 饰)本来正和男友骑着摩托车驰骋在公路上,两人好不快活。可一场意外的发生不仅让男友不幸身亡,泰瑞自己也身受重伤。幸运的是,泰瑞遇见了善良的农夫文森特(罗里·卡尔亨 Rory Calhoun 饰),他不仅救下了泰瑞,安葬了她的男友,还允许泰瑞在自己的家里休养。文森特和妹妹艾达(Nancy Parsons 饰)过着相依为命的生…
  • 1 Introduction2 Heaven and Hell3 I Can't Explain4 Young Man Blues5 I Don't Even Know Myself6 Water7 Shakin' All Over/Spoonful/Twist and Shout8 Summertime Blues9 My Generation10 Magic Bus11 Overture12 It's a Boy13 Eyesight to the Blind (The Hawker)14 Christmas15 The Acid Queen16 Pinball Wizard17 Do You Think It's Alrigh…
  • In a city of desperate musicians, it takes a little bit more than talent to beat the odds. The MoleTron keyboard was Chance's ticket out of town. With it, the gig and the girl were his. But in the Southlander game, you might get a little bit more than you bargained for. Earth people are 'onto' the sound of the MoleTron…
  • This was a very inferior remake of "Seven Days in May".What dooms it from the outset was Jason Robards' characterization of General Lloyd (Scott). It is central to the credibility of the plot that this is a knife fight between an unpopular dovish president whom most of the country fears has endangered America…
  • 电影生活
    音乐人布莱德(罗伊·卡奇恩 Rory Cochrane 饰)和OL妻子莱希(玛丽·麦科马克 Mary McCormack 饰)是一对生活在洛杉矶近郊的夫妇。在一个平凡的早晨,莱希例行前往市中心上班,布莱德却通过电台得知比华利山发生数次爆炸。市中心上空硝烟弥漫,人们四处逃窜,通讯也相继中断,布莱德无法和妻子取得联系。在这个焦急情况下,布莱德不顾危险前去…
  • 电影战争