搜索 sandra

  • Maria Schell (Sophie) and Paul Scofield (Alexander) turn in magnificent performances as former patients of Freud who meet for the first time in Vienna in 1970. Sophie convinces a wary Alexander to meet after she sees him interviewed on TV about his experience with Freud. In their one-day encounter, in a reluctant Alexa…
  • 她(Sandra Oh 配音)是一个谨小慎微的女人,工作勤恳,不善交际,为了成功情愿多花出一倍的努力。她驻足在红绿灯前,心中若有所思,看红男绿女从身旁经过,并不发表任何看法,但心中自有所念。第二天一早,女人穿戴一新,背上包匆匆赶往单位。她将回形针的形状画在手腕上,提醒自己完成报告后一定要用回形针将文件别好,以给领导留下良好印象。…
  • 波斯尼亚人拉特科是色盲,他无法抵制诱惑,再次偷了一辆奔驰卡车。他开着这辆车不小心撞到了已经怀孕多月的塞尔维亚摇滚女歌手苏珊娜。两人共同穿越了正处于崩溃状态的南斯拉夫,战争爆发的疯狂却将两个不同民族的人更加紧密地联合在一起。当他们幸运地流亡到了国外的时候,苏珊娜产下一个黑皮肤的婴儿,而拉特科也为之兴奋异常。
  • 《格鲁吉亚经典动画短片选》第2集A cartoon version of the voyage of the Argonauts (Greek Mythology) with the aim of getting the Gold Fleece.
  • 17岁的雷娜(Lena)受够了父母的干预和唠叨,却又在生活中无所适从。她只有在乐队中打鼓以逃避现实,找寻梦想。
  • Tom tries to convince his wife to participate in their erotic games. The temptation of sexual freedom seems too much for her. Eroticism in the production of Boca Trash. Transcendency only between the lines and the horizon of the character.
  • Dr. Carla Ceratto is an OBGYN doctor who works in a public hospital in Managua, Nicaragua and who struggles with Nicaragua law about terminating pregnancy.