搜索 shadow

  • 电影犯罪
  • חיים בצל המוות
    With daily acts of gun violence and over 382 civilians killed since 2019 – life in Israel’s Arab communities is unbearable. The filmmaker, unable to provide his young family with a basic notion of security, embarks on a journey to understa…
  • The Shadow Creatures
    This project starts in a world where shadow creatures are in a dark land that’s never been seen before. They eat fruit from trees and are in some way cat-like, but are more similar to faceless demon creatures from another world. The main c…
  • 电影冒险
    海豹突击队一行六人执行抓捕大毒枭卡林多的任务,一切进行得十分顺利。但队员们不知道,弗雷克是内奸。他早已通知卡林多此次行动,海豹突击队遭到伏击,造成两名成员牺牲。尽管在卧底维丽的帮助下,海豹突击队抓住了卡林多,却让弗雷克逃脱。\r\n  海豹突击队队长迈克决定重返卡林多的豪宅抓住弗雷德为死去的弟兄报仇,并把他们的遗体带回来,…
  • 电影动作
    如果这个世界上真有宝藏的话,它在哪里,它又是什么?\r\n  塞外高手叶赫长弓(吴镇宇 饰)隐匿中原,一日在街上看到琉球国忍者明月心(吴佩慈 饰),并被她的琴声所吸引,遂生爱慕之情。\r\n  明月心为了得到“太祖开国密宝”,潜入皇宫偷取藏宝图,并和同样寻宝的三大高手展开激战,在打斗过程中,藏宝图神秘失踪。为了继续寻找宝藏下落,…
  • 电视剧剧情
    沉迷于药理研究,后来与所在研究所理念不合,自己单独开诊所的江东健(欧阳震华 饰)是个宅心仁厚,为病人着想的好人。但由于过于痴心于自己的研究,导致他迟迟未遇见合适的对象,直到看到来诊所看病的方小芳(杨怡 饰),东健对小芳可谓一见钟情,想要在合适的日子对小芳一表心意,而小芳阴差阳错的成为了东健诊所的护士。在一次开车的过程中,…
  • 电影
    Opposite the imposing Andes stands Santiago de Chile, with its six million inhabitants, its clouds of pollution and its social housing high-rises stretching as far as the eye can see. During the lockdown, Felipe Elgueta and Ananké Pereira create a mosaic formed by moments from the daily life of immigrants living in cra…
  • 电影
    Bolivia, the 80's. Drug dealing burst into a small town 16 year-old Genoveva tries to survive the nuns at school, her hostile classmates, her hopeless parents and men with guns. Everything changes when she meets her mother's spiritual leader.
  • 电影恐怖
    Haunted by terrifying visions her entire adult life, Nora travels back to her childhood home in search of answers, only to discover the townspeople have been awaiting her return to fulfill a horrific prophecy.
  • 电影
    The powerful, connected, and mysterious Ghislaine Maxwell, takes a sordid downturn when she meets Jeffrey Epstein, the serial sex offender.