搜索 stein

  • Born in Seattle, WA, in late 1921, Carol Channing made her Broadway debut in 1941 in the show Let's Face It, and she's been on the stage ever since, landing the star-making role of Lorelei Lee in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes in 1949 and originating the role of Dolly Levi in Hello, Dolly! in 1964. Since then, the actress wi…
  • 讲述1943年,考纳斯市青团员们,在被占领的维尔纽斯,考纳斯第九要塞,被纳粹关押的地下抵抗者,与纳粹斗智斗勇,从要塞逃出64人,并最终炸毁了德寇的油库的故事。战争时期长眠在第九要塞的有80000人。
  • Guitarist, songwriter and artist Rowland S. Howard was an instrumental figure in the Australian rock scene, particularly renowned for his role in seminal post-punk outfit The Birthday Party. In a career spanning 30 years Howard worked with the best artists of his generation, including Henry Rollins, Lydia Lunch and Oll…
  • "Iceland: Beyond Sigur Rós" is a brand new 30 minute documentary about Iceland's music scene. The not-for-profit film, made by Serious Feather aims to be a "celebration of Iceland's dynamic and diverse contemporary independe…
  • You too can find true love. Just ask the thousands of happy couples brought together by Patti Stanger, CEO of the Millionaire's Club matchmaking service and star of Bravo's hit TV series "Millionaire Matchmaker". Now Patti can help your marriage dreams come true with Married in a Year - her proven, easy-to-fo…
  • 全长三千二百公里,经过城市/高山和美国几处最荒凉的地域.美墨边境,一条假想线隔离了两国人民,两种语言,两个经济体.近几年来则成为一种战场,一个每天上演高风险的猫捉老鼠游戏的地方.一边是想非法越界的人,另一边是负责阻止他们的人.这和所有战争一样会引发,它让家庭离散并造成伤亡.战争中引进新武器,也使用新战术施展策略与反策略.但过去几十年…
  • 赫尔莫特庆祝他的60岁生日,但这天他实际才满57岁。随着小资产阶级家庭生活表象的剥落,老朋友纷至沓来并通过关乎爱情与无常的宣言提供善意的建议。
  • Tom is obsessed by ridiculous deaths. A tragic piece of news will mark the beginning of a strange travel through fear, love and destiny.