- This documentary series uses drama and commentary to shed light on the lives and works of Joseph Conrad, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, T. S. Eliot, Henrik Ibsen, James Joyce, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Luigi Pirandello, Marcel Proust and Virginia Woolf. Written by RK .Season 1Season 1, Episode 1: James Joyce's 'Ulysses'Original A…
- Johnny Lingo, one of the sharpest traders in the south pacific islands decides to bargain for a wife, and offers a record price of eight cows for Mahana, a plain girl who shuns contact. This causes quite a sensation on the island. A year later Johnny and his wife return for the first time since the marriage, and all fi…
- 故事发生在1991年,职业帆板运动员饭岛夏树(大泽隆夫 饰)正在紧张的准备着即将到来的比赛,由于近来成绩不佳,所以,此次世界杯澳洲站的比赛就显得尤为重要。心中的期望值和挫败感互相战斗着,夏树决定,如果这次仍然不能获胜,他就选择放弃,宣布退役。经过了老师藤堂(哀川翔 饰)的指点,夏树最终摆正了心态,在接下来的比赛之中屡战屡胜,…