搜索 Édgar

  • ThePowerofEmotionexplainsthatemotionisn’ttobeconfusedwithsentimentality.Emotionisancientandmorepowerfulthananyartform.Thefilmlooksatyoungcoupleswhorunintodifficultiesastheytrytotranslatetheirexperiencesofloveintocleardecision-making.Awoman…
  • 勿用质疑, 这部长达260分钟的《燃火的时刻》是南美洲电影史上最经典的纪录电影!导演索南纳斯与赫蒂诺是阿根廷新浪潮电影运动中最优秀的纪录电影导演, 他们在60年代末到70年代初合作的几部纪录片几乎都是堪称杰作, 而1968年这部耗时5年才完成的宏篇巨作真实纪录了阿根廷整整50年中的混乱和苦难, 战争和黑暗专政统治下人民的悲惨生活, 表达了对…
  • CBBC婴幼儿卡通节目
  • Hungarian countess Marya Zaleska seeks the aid of a noted psychiatrist, hoping to free herself of a mysterious evil influence.
  • Horace Vendig shows himself to the world as a rich philanthropist. In fact, the history of his rise from his unhappy broken home shows this to be far from the case. After being taken in by richer neighbors he started to exhibit an obsessive and selfish urge to make more and more money, loving and leaving women at will …
  • "Two neighbors--Paula, a single woman with two children, and Paul, a conservative bureaucrat stuck in a loveless marriage--begin to fall in love. The free-spirited Paula tries to liberate Paul from his complacent life, but it's not until tragedy and heartaches beset them both that he begins to fully appreciate her…
  • 1938年,肖斯塔科维奇建议学生弗莱施曼(犹太人)以契诃夫的《罗斯柴尔德的小提琴》为蓝本,写作一部独幕歌剧。1941年,苏德战争爆发,弗莱施曼志愿从军,战死于列宁格勒外围防御阵地。1944,肖斯塔科维奇续完了学生遗作。1996年,法国拍摄的电影《罗斯柴尔德小提琴》取材于这段历史,并全部囊括这部长达四十多分钟的歌剧。俄国指挥大师罗日杰斯…
  • 邦果:本片根据Sinclair Lewis的原著改编。讲述了一只生活在马戏团名叫邦果的明星小熊,他会走钢丝、帽子戏法、骑独轮、打拳击,深受大人和小朋友的喜爱。但是它只能生活在笼子里,跟随马戏团周游全国各地,上演同样的戏码。有一天,邦果决定逃走,回到久违的大自然,在那里, 有新的考验和冒险在等着它;米奇和魔豆:在一个名叫欢乐谷的美丽所…