- The film is inspired by the contemporary life of the indigenous people inhabiting the European arctic region, the Sámi. After twenty years of researching and photographing the European arctic and its indigenous inhabitants, film director D…
- A grand, cinematic adventure on the Greenland ice sheet with three leading scientists in search of what the ice can tell us about our climate, our past and possible future. Epic and thought-provoking.
- 浙江卫视《美好的时光》是全国首档治愈系音乐旅行类节目,节目中李荣浩、汪苏泷、欧阳娜娜、陈立农等一群实力非凡的音乐人将组成“全新的”乐队,他们将前往6座城市,一起踏上关于城市、人、音乐的治愈之路。从选歌改编、排练一直到现场演出都将完整记录,一场横跨数个城市的音乐治愈之旅,带来截然不同的感动和故事。