搜索 Òscar

  • Lukas (15), a rebellious teenager, runs away from home. When his little brother accidentally tags along, his plans take a very different turn.
  • 生命之舞(Dance of Life), 讲述了一个喜爱芭蕾的女孩的成长历程,舞蹈如同生命本身也是一个轮回。动画采用了传统的二维手绘与实拍相结合的方式。本片是Wendy DiWang与Cristina Maul合作,2015年在英国苏格兰邓迪大学艺术学院研究生动画专业期间完成的毕业作品。http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2837909/
  • Rik Boskamp, the son of a nerdy accountant, wants only one thing in life: not to be bullied anymore. Inspired by a mafia film, he comes up with a plan. He will make sure they move house and that his Dad becomes known in their new village as notorious mafia boss Paulo Boskampi. The plan works! Rikki Boskampi no longer g…
  • Suffering from a terminal illness, a young loner makes plans for the little time he has left while coping with the five stages of death: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
  • The advent of the automobile changed the world and its inhabitants as no other means of transport had ever done before. It is increasingly plain to see that cars are ill-suited to big cities and that the social, economic and environmental costs they incur are no longer sustainable. Drawing on interviews with philosophe…
  • Three friends in their early thirties. Tired of their meaningless life in Seville, in a strange set of events, they end up traveling two days to NYC where they will discover the city and, more important, themselves.
  • 这部现实主义风格的影片突出表现了人与人之间的隔膜和孤独。约翰·卡萨维茨既是性格演员,又是个成功的导演。这部独立制作的影片花了8个月的时间拍摄,所耗费的5万美元是他当演员时攒下的。为节约成本,他用16mm的摄影机在借用的民房里即兴拍摄,并在自己的车库里将影片翻印成35mm的影片。他花了整整3年的时间才找到代理发行的公司,但上映后却…
  • 办公室一场火灾后,人们发现了一具已经烧成炭的女式。很快人们就发现她是死于非命,她被塑料袋罩住并被浇上汽油,就这样被火焰活活烧死。继而又有两起同样作案手段的命案发生,哥特兰警方确信这是一宗连环杀人案。但是关于被害者之间的关联,谁会是下一个被害者,警方毫无头绪。玛利亚·韦恩负责这起命案,她对于凶手的作案动机与被害人的关系也…