- Casino operator Johnny Lamb hires down-on-her-luck socialite Lucille Sutton as his casino hostess, in order to help her and to improve casino income. But Lamb's pals fear he may follow Lucille onto the straight-and-narrow path, which would not be good for business. So they hire Gert Malloy and Dictionary McKinney, a pa…
- 《最终幻想 15》昨天发售了。从 2006 年最初开发计划,到 2013 年宣布游戏重做到现在发售,十年时间过去了。好不容易宣布 9 月 30 日发售之后,又推迟了两个月到 11 月 29 日。或许是为了庆祝这个艰难的过程,Square Enix 在游戏发行之际除了常规的一部发售宣传片 Ride Together 之外,还发布了一部两分钟不到的预告短片。和以往所有《最终幻想…
- The life of Giulio, a boy who never felt in the right body. At the age of 27, he decides to undergo surgery and to take a trip to Bangkok, to change his gender and become physically and physiologically a woman. That path will bring Giulio to re-evaluate the relationships with his family, his partner and his friends and…
- A police officer is forced to work for two warring crime syndicates while under an internal investigation.
- 両津がドローンを買おうと変装して、銀行に向かうが、いつものように街の人々に追い詰められ逃げるも、長い間忘れ去られた日暮によって借金を取られてしまった。そんなある日、両津は祖父・勘兵衛がスパイをしているのを目撃し、両津の悪い行いを削除する代わりに秘密にすることを約束する。ひょんなことから、東京見学のため「アッタカイーノ王…
- The fourth and last episode in Stine Omar's & Max Boss' serial drama Sadness is an Evil Gas Inside of Me. Starring Stine Omar, Max Boss, Lars Eidinger, T. Word