- The queen really wants a baby, but the king has other interests. When her pleas to St. Kryspin for one go unanswered, she turns to the devil. A deal with him soon brings her a little girl, who is looked after by young Št pán, the son of the Queen's chamber-maid. Št pán and the princess gradually fall in love with each …
- 非洲真是一片神奇的陆地这里聚集着数以万计的动物这一集中 我们将会看到长跑健将 猎豹自信杀手 薮猫弹跳能手 狞猫草原之王 雄狮还有……敏捷中透出狡猾凶狠中藏有可爱看猎豹那坚定的小眼神吧画面胜过千言万语~可怜的瞪羚呦 为什么被吃的总是你~~~(@酸奶)转自夏末秋字幕组
- Jam Master Jay大家应该都知道,RUN-DMC的成员、传奇DJ/制作人。02年Jam Master Jay在纽约皇后区的录音室被枪杀,他的遇害震惊了整个HIPHOP音乐界。Jam Master Jay遇害时年仅37岁,原名Jason Mizell。据他的邻居反映,Jam Master Jay是一个非常随和的人,并且热衷为社区的服务。在当时HIPHOP音乐表现越来越强烈的暴力倾向的时候,他却始终…