- 有好多大师级的珍贵音像资料。譬如:普鲁科菲耶夫、里赫特、伯恩斯坦、穆拉文斯基、大卫奥伊斯特拉赫,当然还有肖斯塔科维奇的本尊。 另外值得赞许的是这个片子没有站在西方的立场来描绘肖斯塔科维奇的一生,只是就事论事的描述了他生涯中某些重要的场景,不像另一部描写肖斯塔科维奇的纪录片用了Against这个强烈主观意愿的单词!
- After killing an elderly woman in a nursing home, Ruth befriends the woman's neighbor and a strange relationship develops between the two women. In their conversations Ruth reveals her life as a contract killer.
- A womanizing reality-TV producer (Spencer) unwittingly sleeps with a mysterious woman (Alison), who turns out to be his own stalker. Alison then kidnaps Spencer and holds him hostage while she humiliates and abuses him, recording every moment on camera for her own twisted reality-TV show一个杂志写实电视制作人(斯宾塞)在不知不觉中和一个神秘的女人睡觉…
- A rising indie band travels to Spike Island, Cheshire, in May of 1990 to see The Stone Roses.
- 一位生活在美国新罕布什尔州乡间的老奶奶 一个在日本家喻户晓的名字。 她的生活被拍成纪录片,在美国和日本掀起收视高潮 美著名摄影师理查德·布朗拍摄, 记录她的生活和人生隽语的系列图书单册在在日本印刷42版 (点击了解《塔莎奶奶的美好生活》) 她缝制的衣服和手工制作的布偶、陶器等在日本国内定期举行巡回展览 被日本媒体评选为最受憧憬…