- 孫中山先生建立民國後,革命事業尚在進行,而孫中山先生下半生的事蹟1922年陳炯明叛變,孫先生被圍奧秀樓,後再困於黃埔永豐艦,幾番遇險深見軍閥驕橫,其後孫先生成立黃埔軍校,培育青年棟樑,始北上與軍閥周旋,可惜未竟全功,心力交瘁,於1925年病歿。
- A girl is held hostage by a military group. Jimmy rescues her and takes her to an inn to heal. The people are distrusting of him at first but it ends up a family reunion. Jimmy's father has gone missing so he is looking for his uncle. Uncle owns this inn and the pretty young lady, Chang Ching-Ching, is his arranged bri…