搜索 乔治·阿尔伯特·史密斯

  • 《参观海滨》(英语:A Visit to the Seaside)是由英国电影先驱乔治·阿尔伯特·史密斯 (George Albert Smith) 使用 Kinemacolor 双色电影系统拍摄的自然色彩的彩色实验短片。这部短片于1908年9月在英国进行 Kinemacolor 的首次商业放映。影片长八分钟,展示了人们的日常活动。Kinemacolor 是一种双色加色法,方法是在红色、绿色滤…
  • 在这部影片中,一对情侣正在热情拥抱,这在当时来说是很大胆的。接着一名教授模样的人背着一台机器走过来,这台机器可以发出X光。教授将机器对准他们,我们看到一对骷髅在拥抱。
  • A simple scene of two rather flamboyantly-dressed Edwardian children attempting to feed a spoonful of medicine to a sick kitten. The film is important for being one of the earliest films to cut to a close-up, then back again to the same medium shot as before Written by Michael Brooke {michael@everyman.demon.co.uk}
  • Laura Bayley, the most prolific British actress of the period and the wife of director G.A. Smith, shows her flare for clowning in this uproarious black comedy. Mary Jane learns that lighting your hearth with a tank full of paraffin may not be the safest of household chores, in a stern tale that could have come from th…
  • An elderly gentleman in a silk hat sits on a stool in front of a store on the main street of town. He has a telescope that he focuses on the ankle of a young woman who is a short distance away. Her husband catches the gent looking. What will the two men now do?
  • 本片由乔治·阿尔伯特·史密斯(George Albert Smith)执导,是一部无声短片,片中,年轻的威利(Willy)借用一个巨大的放大镜聚焦于各种物体,目的是演示电影特写新技术。本片被认为是“最早在中景和特写视角之间切换的电影之一。本片曾经失传,后于1960年在丹麦宫廷摄影师和电影先驱Peter Elfelt的收藏中发现。